Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest? Luke 12:25-26

Monday, June 28, 2010

Calm before the storm

These next few days are going to be calm and then *BAM* my life is going to be hit by a hurricane of tasks, responsibilities, schedules... blah blah. While I'm doing Gear Up (July 11-17; 25-31), I will be phone-less and computer-less (and blog-less). And I will be too tired to give an immediate update.

Oh, and any day now my niece will be born!! We're just playing the waiting game until she decides to make her appearance.

I found a swarm of ants in my car the other day. While I was driving. In case you don't know, I'm borderline phobic about bugs. This was a pretty nerve-racking experience for me. I called Chris on my way over to his house to let him know, so when I pulled up, I put on the parking break, and JUMPED out of my car, leaving it running. He came outside and squished as many as he could find. My car is getting cleaned (inside and out) today.

No real exciting news or anything. Oh, well, other than I get to meet Lauren! I'm going up north to where she lives early August and we are going to rock the town, masks and all! I'm really excited!! There will be pictures.


1 comment:

Lauren said...

I CANNOT WAIT TO MEET YOU!!! Good luck with all your busy stuff and living life without technology !