Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest? Luke 12:25-26

Thursday, July 22, 2010

VBS + Dixie

So I'm exhausted from chasing 4-5 year olds this week. I've been doing craft projects at church and at home for these sweet [read: wild] kids and I'm beat! I've been with the boyfriend when I can since he's going to be gone to visit his sister again this weekend. So I'm putting off things like cleaning until then when I'll have more time. I'm finished the Vest/treatment at the moment which is why I'm still up. Mom and I just spent the last hour planning details of our Boston trip! It's so close!! I'm getting extremely excited. I'm not sure how I'm going to work Cayston into this trip, since I'll be on it while I'm there, but I'll manage!
I feel like posting a few pictures of Dixie, my last dog before McKenzy. Dixie died the summer before my senior year. I made the very difficult decision to put her down because she was so, so sick. I still miss her a whole lot, despite having McK. They are two
very different dogs. Dixie was very passive while McK is a much more active and crazy dog. They were/are both very sweet however. Dixie will always have a special place in my heart. I want to post a few pictures because I don't believe she really ev
er made it on the blog and she was such an important part of my life for so long (11 years) that it's only right she gets some air time!

So here we go: I love and miss you Dixie!
It won't let me post the last picture. Well I can, but it's rotated the wrong way. Never had that happen before. Odd.


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