Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest? Luke 12:25-26

Sunday, September 27, 2009

TOBI did WHAT?!??!

Hear ye! Hear ye! A few weeks ago TOBI did something new that caught my attention quicker than words can describe! Read my story!

It was a quiet day in the apartment. My roommate was gone and I was enjoying some down-time at the computer while doing treatment, a common sight. I was talking online to my not-actually-related sister when something surprising happened: the fire alarm for my apartment complex started going off. I calmly told my "sister" I would be right back, grabbed my keys, put on some shoes, turned off my machine, and walked outside. To my surprise, no one else was exiting their apartments. Nor could I hear any other fire alarms. Only mine. I go back inside and the fire alarm ceased within seconds. I then understand: TOBI set off the fire alarm in my apartment. It was the only explanation. I told my "sister" and of course she was amused. Then a second thought hit me: that means police and the fire department are on their way. I walked out of my apartment on the street side and a cop was leaning over the railing with 2 cop cars behind him. "Did your fire alarm go off?" "Yes sir..." "Well? What's the problem?" "Umm.. let me see if I can explain this. [fidgets] I have to do this medicine... it makes a thick mist and it somehow set it off..." [in his radio] "False alarm. Medicine"

Thinking back later, I'm surprised he didn't call a drug raid. "Medicine" that makes a "mist." Riiiiiight. It was code for "weed" obviously... haha. I asked the cop what I was supposed to do because I couldn't NOT do TOBI! He gave me the phone number and told me to call if it ever happened again so they wouldn't come out.

I called my parents after that. My mom laughed REALLY loudly when I told her the story. My nurse practitioner was amused too. As was a few of my CF friends. *sigh* Glad my little college-life story could amuse everyone!

To solve the problem where I could do TOBI without turning the air on really low so it would run for 30ish minutes, my smoke alarm went from this

to this

at least for now. When I finish TOBI I'll take it down... we have 3 other smoke alarms in this tiny apartment so I'm not really too worried.

So watch out TOBI users!! Smoke alarms and TOBI do not mix!



Unknown said...

Haha, that's crazy!!! I have never had that happen before and when I do TOBI it looks like I'm "hot-boxing" in the room :)

Thanks for sharing!


Cystic Gal said...

OH MY GOD! This happened to me in my freshman dorm at U of I! It happened every night and my RA said that I was going to have to do my nebs in THE BATHROOM (umm... no...) I asked a facility guy to come fix it and explained, and he unwired the damn thing and told me "not to start any fired." Much more helpful than my RA! I think apartments and dorms have ones that can sense the mistiness / fogginess in the room. If it is too cloudy, the alarm goes off!