Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest? Luke 12:25-26

Monday, August 3, 2009

Real Stuff updates

Exactly 1 month from today, I will be living in my college town for the first day of Rush. I'm pretty excited. Sometimes I get this wave of nervousness (or dream anxious dreams...) but then the excitement comes back. I think it's pretty cool that the same kid who wasn't really supposed to make it out of the hospital at birth, or live past 3, is going off to college. It's been a really cool road to get here too. Despite having CF, most of my life hasn't been medical. Most of it has been spent playing soccer, going to school, and being with friends doing what "normal" kids do. What a crazy life God has given me. I mean, He gave me life and then threw in this curveball to deal with everyday and yet, He gave me a pretty normal life.

I listened to a sermon on Sunday of a guy in College Station, TX, and he said at one point about his herniated disk problems, "No, I know this isn't a cure, but it will help. And I plan on doing the best I can to be ready for when God does bring that healing for me." Those words really hit me hard. This really applies to any medical problem, but to do everything possible to get better so when God decides to heal you, you've literally done everything possible to get to that point. Wow. That's not me. I get so lazy and tired of doing what I'm supposed to do sometimes that I just do something half-way or not at all. Yes, I know it's destructive. Yes, I know it's hurting others besides me. Yes, I know it's selfish but you try dealing with this everyday for 18+ years, no breaks, no mulligans, no getting actually better. Just keep doing it. (And for those who are in the same position as I am, have you ever skipped stuff? Most likely, yes.) However, with this new freedom of college, I'm going to have to step it up because sometimes it's going to be even harder to stay on top of everything I have to do since I'm managing literally ALL of it now. So this attitude of "do everything I can so I'll be ready" is what I'm trying to grab and hold on to. I know there will be times when I'm shot down completely because I can do everything right and I still get sick or don't feel well. That's like a kick in the stomach for me. I hate that more than anything. But oh well.

Other things.. umm... my high school friends start back 2 weeks from today. Poor kids. I'll be there that day to pick up my yearbook, but not going to class there anymore. :]

Oh! I gained weight. :]]]]]]] I gained the weight I lost after my sinus surgery in March/April. That means I had a very happy doctor's visit recently.

You know what I love? I love seeing my doctors outside of clinic. I went to a movie in the park and saw my nurse practitioner. At work (well this one makes more sense) I see my pulmonologist, my dietitian, my nurse, and once my main CF doctor. It makes my day. I always run up and hug them.

Alright. Time to get moving with my day.


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