Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest? Luke 12:25-26

Monday, April 6, 2009

Hello, setback.

"Parents and doctors both worried that I would catch pneumonia from just lying there all the time."

Dun dun duuuuuuuuun. Is that foreshadowing or WHAT? Guess who did end up getting pneumonia? Yep. Me.

Last Friday, the day after posting about how great I was feeling, seriously, 12 hours after I had posted that, I returned all the food I had eaten on Thursday to the porcelain shrine. It was a bad, bad day.

I spent from 9..ish until 4ish in the bed, crying, miserable, nauseated (or throwing up) with no relief. We even got some medicine for nausea, but it didn't work. Around 4 we realized I needed help so my parents rushed me up to the ER at Schumpert, where they had assured us there would be no wait. They lied. I sat in a chair for a good 15 or 20 minutes feeling like I was about to die. I was also denied at the children's ER, which had no wait. Once I was finally seen, it was discovered they my heart rate was 171, my blood pressure on the floor, I was EXTREMELY dehydrated, and I had a fever. Hmmm... thanks for making me sit and wait. I get wheelchaired to the triage where they were surprised to see I had a PICC line. "I was here 2 days ago, on peds." The nurses were glad to not have to try to find a vein on me!

After a few nurses come by and they got some fluids running through me, we finally see a familiar face: a guy we know from church is one of the ER doctors. He was as shocked as we were.

Five hours later, we are admitted into a hospital room. I had gotten an armband that said "511" so I knew I was going to be back on the pediatric floor again. YES. As I'm being wheeled away, someone asked what room I was going to. "511" "Oh no you're not. You're too old. 688 for you." What?! 2 days later I'm too old for the pedatric floor where I just WAS?? So I can't get continual care from the people who just took care of me? K.........

6th floor medical tower is no where near as comforting as the peds floor. But I guess that's more incentive to NOT return.... lol

As a side-note, a nurse on the peds floor is also the mom of a teammate, and one of my biggest fans. She printed out the "policy" on age limits for the peds floor. I am allowed to stay through my "entire eighteenth year." So technically, I really should have been on peds again..... but "change is hard, isn't it?" (rude receptionist told that to my mom on this floor)

I've enjoyed my company ranging from family members, to friends, to 4 grown men in tiaras and tulle skirts rapping to me, one of whom I'm proud to say is my father. :]

I just went and did PFTs (pulmonary function tests) and if they are stable still, and my chest X-ray shows improvement, I'm having my PICC line pulled and being shipped home tomorrow morning!!!! I hope that's the case because I'm really, really, REALLY tired of being here. Sad to say, but I'd rather be at school.

That's all for now. Signing off.

1 comment:

Betsy St. Amant said...

I'm so sorry sweetie