Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest? Luke 12:25-26

Saturday, February 13, 2016

New Vest!

Some of you have been with me long enough to remember this post about my Vest, where I gave it some love.  My more recent friends might only remember this other post about my Vest where I wasn't sure if we were friends or not.  Either way, my Vest was always around giving me grief and giving me clear lungs.  But now, I can retire it because it's time to make room for a new Vest... the Afflovest!  There's no question: we're already BFFs.  When I learned that this Vest might be a real option (around October 2015), it was already a part of my day.  I thought about it LITERALLY every morning.  Any day that I overslept and didn't have time for a morning Vest sesh, I thought about how I could at least get in 10 minutes of the Afflovest while I dry my hair and let the dog out.

If you haven't heard of it, I recommend checking out their website and the YouTube videos posted by people who got the Vest and are demoing it.  The biggest advantage that it brings is I'm not hooked up to vacuum cleaner hoses, but free to walk around with the cordless technology!  It doesn't use air, like the old Vests do, but more true vibrations.  It has 3 settings, Vibration, Drainage, and Percussion (my favorite).  Anyway, not trying to do a promo for them, but I had to share in my excitement.  I mean look at me! I've never been so happy to wear a Vest!

In other news, not much else has changed.  Soccer season just picked back up, I'm singing in the adult choir at church (as I have time), and Zoe is still obsessed with the ball.

Oh! One thing I did was sign up for the Rock CF Kick Backs program.  It's an awesome group of people who, as part of the Rock CF Foundation, provide new tennis shoes to CFers who want to get running or need a new pair from running so much!  It's a really awesome program and I was THRILLED to get my tennis shoes.  Got to keep working hard to stay healthy!

Have a great weekend and a Happy Valentines Day!

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