Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest? Luke 12:25-26

Friday, September 9, 2011

Back to the grind!

Y'all I'm so happy to be back. Actually, that's an understatement. To have my life back means the world to me. While I don't get to really participate in formal recruitment due to missing so much, it's ok because I have my friends and class and my freedom back!! My arm has almost completely healed already, however the blisters left scars and I have the usual "arm button" (like a belly button) from the actual line, which still has a little more healing to go. I'm feeling pretty good too. I'm a little tired from jumping right back into recruitment and school, but I'll have time to come up for air in a few days.

School looks like it's going to murder me this quarter, but I'm really not stressed about it. I really feel like I can handle anything. The summer quarter, flying by so quickly, taught me how to stay focused and work even when I'm really and truly tired of doing homework. That's what is going to get me through this quarter. I'm taking a full load (12 hours for a quarter system; that's 5 classes for me) and it will be chock full of busy work, homework, papers, and tests. But I can do this. That's not to say I won't have moments where I just cry into a kind shoulder about how much I hate school and how tired I am, but I can do this! I've already found that mentality of "school will never end, you have several years left, suck it up and go" so hey! What's another 3-5 years?....

Time to get a little homework done (yes, already) before recruitment this evening!
My "arm button"!


1 comment:

Aunt Pam said...

Glad that you are healing and that I am hearing all those positive thoughts. I have a soft shoulder or I can dish out a little tough love. Just let me know which you need. Hugs and have fun with rush.