Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest? Luke 12:25-26

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Gut problems: day 4


I ate lunch today. That's it. Do I feel hungry? Not in the least. I actually feel like I ate dinner about an hour ago. Not stuffed, but not wanting to eat. And Dad even cooked potato soup, which I LOVE!! Luckily there are plenty of left-overs for when I feel better.

I've been having serious issues with waking up. Not sure what's up. It's amazing how long I can sleep. I'm about to try it tomorrow. Because of how miserable I've been, I'm sleeping in tomorrow instead of going to church. I'm going to try and get as many hours of sleep in tomorrow as I possibly can. Let's play the game: How Long Can Annie Sleep? Any bets? I'm thinking 11 hours and I still wake up tired. I'm going to go to bed at midnight tonight (finishing treatment now) and wake up and get out of bed whenever. No alarms, nothing. The dog will wake me up, but with the way I've been sleeping, it won't phase me in the least. I'll pass right back out. It's almost like I'm sick, but side from the gut stuff, I don't feel sick. And the gut stuff is not normal sick, it's "me sick". Which isn't really sick! Man oh man this is complicated.

I caught up with an old friend of mine! Lucy became my friend in kindergarten, back when everyone thought we were twins, and stayed close until she went off to a different high school and college. We grabbed some Starbucks and sat in a park and caught up today... it's like we were never apart! She really brightened my day! Thanks, Lu. :]

Almost bed time!

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