Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest? Luke 12:25-26

Monday, November 24, 2008

Reason #581 I'm not going to Med School

So I've got the PICC line in and they have to change the dressing (bandages) on it every week. Today was the day. Did I mention the tape is *extremely* painful to take off? And it makes me really nervous when the nurse peels it back because it's so close to the LINE GOING INTO MY ARTERY? I thought I was going to be sick today when she changed it. Pain + fear = revisiting lunch. This nurse is fantastic, don't get me wrong, but my stomach has been less than iron these past few days. Luckily, lunch kept it's natural route south and I was ok. The same thing happened sophomore year when having my annual blo.od work done. They pull an INSANE amount of blo.od from my arm. Plus it hurts and I'm anxious... and I remember that there were 3 prisoners in the room because one of them was pregnant... that didn't help my situation.

Anyway. Med school. Not for me. Noooo siree. If I could even make it through med school, the only field I would have any desire to work in, I can't. So no thanks!

However, I do have VERY preliminary, yet nevertheless exciting news. I'm in contact with the director of fundraising in the East Texas/NW LA for the CF foundation and I'm coordinating a meet with her to talk about what the Magnet soccer teams can do to raise money for research! I'm *BEYOND* excited. I had always wanted to do something but always found options out of my reach. Then dearest Alissa told me that she wants to help out and we're going to get the soccer team, and school clubs, to organize and work a walk/run or something. I can't wait to see what this team can do, on and off the field!!! :]

That's the brief update for today.



Betsy St. Amant said...

That's amazing!!!

Cindy Hockenjos said...

I believe God has a plan to use you from home today if not with the homeless! Hang in there! "Count your many blessings, name them one by one...and it will surprise you what the Lord has done!" I started making a list and writing it down...I was amazed!
May God use your time today to reflect on His blessings and bring someone into your life who needs YOU to lift them up. Just from reading a little here, I can tell you long to serve others. Actually, Andrea....your writing is a service of types. My reading it ministered to me. It reminded me of how I can reach out to others and to remember to pray and many other thoughts crossed my mind as I read! (I wrote this in a hurry and was interruped by a phone call...no spell check and no editing...that is scary!...here goes!)